Nahdet Misr

Mon – Sat 9:00am – 6:00pm / Sunday – CLOSED

Digital Learning

Digital Learning Strategy

Recent decades have seen a dramatically accelerating pace in the development and adoption of new technologies. This rapid technological change is affecting almost every area of the economy, society and culture.

With such rapid changes and the increase of the complexity of the education systems and work environments worldwide; any organization will need to develop effective digital learning strategy.

Having a deep understanding of the learning needs, NM can help your organization develop and implement successful digital learning strategies based on your desired business objectives, while deploying the latest Ed-tech.

Reference Projects

Digital Courses

To meet the ever-changing needs of educational entities, Nahdet Misr develops digital courses or digitizes existing training course/curricula deploying both online and blended methods.

We create and edit digital content in different formats; putting together cross-industry experiences to create innovative digital content. We deploy experienced authors, curricular experts, proofreading, copyright protection, consistent user-experience, and around eight decades of building quality content.


Digitization of Training Programs

Moving towards digital transformation, we at Nahdet Misr can help your organization embrace business challenges and transform any educational/communication resources and training programs to interactive and engaging digital formats easily used by your employees and target audience.

Our bespoke digitized solutions include

Custom Learning

We provide customized solutions for all types of learning with interactive and easy-to-use modules for any type of content.

Blended Learning

We devise blended educational solutions that combine both online and face-to-face activities when needed, to ensure the delivery of your organization’s objectives and get the maximum out of your training/educational programs.

Mobile Learning

We develop different digital content and applications, that are compatible with all operating systems, thereby providing mobility and the ability to learn anytime, anywhere.

Micro Learning

We offer several “Micro Learning” solutions that facilitate the delivery of information in an interactive format in the easiest and shortest ways.


We use gamification in our developed digital programs to boost employees’ morale, and actively engage them in the workplace.

Rapid Learning

We can provide you with authoring tools that enable non-tech people to build rich content; thus, supporting rapid learning.


Interactive Learning Objects/ Modules

Digital learning is all about increasing students’ engagement and offering personalized learning experience.

Nahdet Misr transforms any educational content to an array of interactive digital learning objects and modules that would:

Increase students’ engagement

Extend learning outside school wall

Stimulate the usage of different studying tools

Cater to different learning styles and abilities

Support constructive pedagogy

Improve learning skills

Save students’ time



Digital books are currently an integral part of the learning process as they dramatically accelerate students’ learning and understanding of educational content. Nahdet Misr develops digital textbooks in different formats to be used from various devices whether computers, tablets or smart phones.

Reference Projects

Digital Assessment System

Schools, universities and educational entities are all becoming fully digital; developing more engaging and personalized learning experiences for their students.

Digital assessment is key in such an optimized process. Students need immediate and constant assessment to be able to identify their weaknesses, hence work on improving them. Furthermore, educators need up-to-date data analysis to enhance teaching methodologies and provide personalized learning.

Nahdet Misr develops “Digital Assessment System” that would enable educational entities reach their objectives efficiently.

The Digital Assessment System enables users to:

  • Develop summative and formative assessments.
  • Develop tests from different question templates (single & multiple choice, matching, tables and many more) through a question bank generator.
  • Create customized activities.
  • Integrate within the existing learning management system (LMS).

Reference Projects

Augmented Reality

With augmented reality classroom education can be extraordinary and more interactive. AR further enhances an array of skills and abilities in students such as problem solving, collaboration, communication and creation. It also fosters engagement in classrooms, and is an ideal tool for delivering technical knowledge/information. We can transform any educational content into AR and integrate it within AR apps.

Nahdet Misr utilizes AR to enable students to:

  • Understand abstract and spatial concepts.
  • See inside the human body.
  • Tap into space and the solar system.
  • Experience different real-life environments.


Moreover, as augmented reality experience is also widely demanded by several industries; we can develop different AR content to be used in professional training and in business purposes.

Reference Projects


Gamification enables the usage of motivation and rewards in education, it transformed the educational process from its obsolete form into an interesting motivational one, which encourages the student to study.

Based on deep understanding of students and educators’ learning needs, we develop several gamification elements such as pointing system, badges, leaderboards, competitions and others to deliver the learning objectives and enhance the learning progress.

Nahdet Misr utilizes gamification to enable educational entities to:



We can help you enrich your digital content and remain at the forefront of technological advances